Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The New Chapter...

Finally, I have moved to Southern California to start my new chapter in life. It was bitter-sweet leaving my home for 5 years, Sacramento. I met so many amazing people who truly impacted my life and supported and loved me in my times of need. My last Tuesday night service was truly emotional, shockingly I balled my eyes out (okay maybe thats not shocking). After that I packed with some belongings that I still had in Sacramento and headed to Tracy, to pack up what I had stored at my parent's. After loading up my I had another emotional fair-well with my Daddy and then once again with my Mommy. It was so hard leaving my parents because I knew at that moment our relationship would change. I was moving from dependency to independence. 
My little brother and I left Tracy that friday at 6am. It was such an easy drive but nerve racking wondering what Upland/Ontario held for me. Its silly to think how nervous and emotional I was because I moved with my big brother and sissy. But it was me growing up and that in its self was scary. So, now I am here living my new life. Starting Grad School in 6 days, interviewing for jobs, and getting established in the church. BTW, I love my church! 
I know I have been inconsistent in my blogging but I promise to try harder!!
