This is Dedicated to My Sissy's....
To those who look at us and think that we are weird because we never cut our hair...
To those who think its strange that we always wear a skirt (Yes even in Rain)...
To all the guys who never appreciated us for the true women of God we are (Don't worry we found some who do)...
To all those who feel its necessary for us to cover our faces with paint inorder for us to be considered beautiful...
To those who dont understand why we serve God rather than drinking or partying...
To those who don't understand why we run, jump and dance during church...
To everyone who does not understand why we live why we do, just listen to what God can do for you...because He has done it for us...
He can heal you from cancer, deliver you from drinking, depression, and so much more. He can be your best friend when all your friend leave you. He can be your father when yours lets you down. He take away all your hurt and all of your pain. He can give you joy (the unspeakable kind). He can save your family. He can Bring you sisters that you always wanted...And most importantly He and only He ( Jesus ) can fill you with the most precious gift...HIS SPIRIT!!
That is why we live the way we do and why we strive for holliness everyday.
Amen Sis. Sissy! :) There's nothing like His Spirit and His LOVE for us! I can't think of anything better than living for God the right way, having GREAT church, and family like I have! <3 Love you!