Friday, August 6, 2010

Leaving for Ontario..

Remember when you were a kid, and you knew you were leaving for something super fun the next morning? Or on christmas eve when you would wait up for santa? Well, that still applies to this 21 year women!! Last night I was so excited to leave for Ontario, that I could not sleep. I laid in bed wondering when the time would pass. Finally, at 5:30 I gave up on sleep. Now theres about 30 minutes until Jenn gets here and I am die'N inside. I can't wait for service, seeing my family (including Godmommy and my Niece and Nephews), seeing my friends, and going to Disneyland!! Man oh Man time needs to fly...UH SISSY HERE I COME!!! DOCKSIDERS AND ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. LOL!! YAYYYY!!!! :D :D :D I'll see you in a few hours!!! :D

  2. SISSY! I love my dock sliders :) I have them on right now!!!! I'm totally bummed out that I didn't get to see you for more than like 20 minutes. But every second I get with you makes me happy!

