Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas With The Thaler's and Sanchez's
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Rock Youth Group
Thursday, December 9, 2010
What I want to do This Winter

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Paper I wrote why I don't watch TV
So many of my friends and family received a text that I got an perfect score on the essay I wrote for english class. I want to remind everyone that I go to Sac State, not a Apostolic College. This is quite the testimony because I was worried my teacher would give me a bad grade...HAHA DEVIL. Anyways I hope you enjoy my paper!!
Thaler, Courtney
English 20
Prof. Hake
15 October 2010
The Stranger We have Welcomed in Our Homes
“How can you not watch television, is it because you don’t have money for cable?” As funny as that quote sounds it is a question that I am asked daily. Once you mention that you haven’t seen a show because you don’t watch TV, you begin to open the door for questions and justification. I am not writing this paper to convince you that you should not watch TV, but to inform you of why I have made this decision to not watch television myself. Before I begin giving reasons I want to set the record straight. I am not Amish, I have enough money to buy one (and pay for cable), and I also do not watch movies. This is a personal conviction; no one forced it upon me. I chose not to allow strangers in my home.
As children our parents drilled into our heads do not open the door to strangers, never get into a strangers car and most commonly never, ever, talk to a stranger. Parents are in a constant struggle to prevent their children from being influenced by a stranger doing something contrary to their beliefs. They want to prevent their children from being hurt by a stranger. But unbeknownst to them they are allowing a stranger into their home. When you allow a television into your home you are allowing strangers to influence your children. It is said that children soak -up everything they here and see, as they are watching television they are learning from people that parent’s do not know. On television whether they are watching a children’s channel or a regular channel they are being exposed to things that their parents do not want them to see. Whatever channel you turn to the media fills their minds with sex, drugs, violence and rebellion. No matter how hard parents try, if their children are watching TV they cannot shelter them from the inappropriate things. When I have children I do not want to expose them to the things that I am trying to shelter them from. I want to protect them from things that they do not need to see or hear as children, if I have chosen for my family to live a lifestyle that is different from what is being supported by the media I will make conscience effort to prevent them from taking that in daily.
“I will not look at anything wicked. I hate those who turn against you, they will not be found near me.” (Psalm 101:3). This scripture was written by David, who had an intense love for God, he choose to live for God. Many times as Christians we chose to take this at only face value without applying it to every aspects. As well, the Bible says that, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” (1Peter 2:23). Thus, this scripture is telling us that once we commit ourselves to God, we must “… Be ye holy; for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16). We, consequently, have duties as being Christians to filter everything that we ‘digest’ in our ‘temples.’ The Bible calls us to mirror our lives and what we do in our lives, after Christ, everything on television is completely contrary to Christ. Many people claim to live by the Bible, but they choose to leave out many different scriptures or choose to interpret it in a way that is pleasing to their own flesh. In order to live a life that is set apart from this world we must not indulge in the things of the world. I feel if I love God I should love the things of God and things that please God. Thus, I chose not to partake in watching the sin that is constantly thrown at us through the television. If we are called out of sin and commanded not to partake in sin, why do people that are Christian enjoy watching people sin on TV?
Though there are many religious reasons of why I do not partake in watching TV, there are many educational and simple reasons. Sadly, enough this stranger that has crept into to our home has begun to take over. Children spend more time in front of the television than they do with their own family. The television has become many parent’s first choice for babysitter and even become a parent in itself. “Therefore children learn moral principles from the television, where by the age of 16 they observe 100,000 violent acts and 33,000 murders.” Many wonder why our society has become violent or the rate of murder is on the rise, well the reason lies in that box American’s have placed in their living room. The health of American children is at risk, the rate of childhood obesity is on the rise and what are doctors saying that one of the main causes is, television. “United States are spending more than 25% of their waking hours in front of the television set.” If we were to factor in eating (which many do in front of the TV), sleep, and going to school, there isn’t much time left to go outside and exercise, especially with the cut in physical education. I know that many do not agree with my stance and quite frankly, think that I over react with not watching any sort of TV. This decision has so many different levels and accompanied by much research, that I must stand by what I feel. Television may have a few good things on it but the underlying affect will constantly be negative. I refuse to allow some stranger to influence my family and I, and what we believe.
Here is the Poem I used for my essay...
Stranger In Our Home
A few years after I was born, my Dad met a stranger who was new to our small town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on.
As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family. In my young mind, he had a special niche. My parents were complementary instructors: Mom taught me good from evil, and Dad taught me to obey. But the stranger...he was our storyteller. He would keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures, mysteries and comedies.
If I wanted to know anything about politics, history or science, he always knew the answers about the past, understood the present and even seemed able to predict the future! He took my family to the first major league ball game. He made me laugh, and he made me cry. The stranger never stopped talking, but Dad didn't seem to mind.
Sometimes, Mom would get up quietly while the rest of us were shushing each other to listen to what he had to say, and she would go to the kitchen for peace and quiet. (I wonder now if she ever prayed for the stranger to leave.)
Dad ruled our household with certain moral convictions, but the stranger never felt obligated to honor them. Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our home... not from our friends, any visitors or us. Our longtime visitor, however, got away with four-letter words that burned my ears and made my dad squirm and my mother blush.
My Dad didn't permit the liberal use of alcohol. But the stranger encouraged us to try it on a regular basis. He made cigarettes look cool, cigars manly and pipes distinguished. He talked freely (much too freely) about sex. His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally embarrassing.
I now know that my early concepts about relationships were influenced strongly by the stranger. Time after time, he opposed the values of my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked... and NEVER asked to leave. More than fifty years have passed since the stranger moved in with our family. He has blended right in and is not nearly as fascinating as he was at first. Still, if you could walk into my parents' den today, you would still find him sitting over in his corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his pictures. His name?
We just call him, "TV."
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Just thought I'd let you know...
Friday, November 5, 2010
I am WEAK...Finally Uploaded my First Secret Camera Footage...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I GOT THE LOOK...But is that Enough?

Sunday night I was sitting in church. I was looking around and my eye landed on a new convert. God began to show me things that I never really realized. As young apostolic women we love to try the newest styles on our hair. And being a new convert there is a strong desire to look the part. Though as first the length isn't there, you learn the poofs, buns, curls, twists, knotts, and the the famous pin curl. Your style begins to mimic those that surround you. Your poofs get higher and your tights get brighter. People in church try to give you clothes that cover you (thank God it is really helpful), then you discover thrift stores. So, finally you find yourself saying "I GOT THE LOOK." Well thats all fine and dandy but do you have HIS HEART? Do you desire holiness or are you secretly wishing you could trim your ends? Do you truly believe what the preacher preached or behind closed doors are you wearing make-up (thinking no one will notice)? Or are you just doing it to please those around you? I want to be the first to tell you that the one you need to please is the only Lord God Your Savior. I want you to know just because you look "Apostolic" does not mean you will make it in. Honey, people see right through that... I want you to know that Holiness is a matter of the heart something that you have to get for yourself, something that God gives as a revelation and once you get it you will see that this world has nothing for you.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Leaving for Ontario..
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Best Injury That EVER Happened!!
Two weeks ago while getting out of bed my knee popped and began to swell. Thinking nothing of it I wrapped it and went to work. While working I was in some pain but I knew I needed money so I continued working. To my surprise by the weekend after resting it felt fine. I went to church and to work and then back to church and then back to work. By wednesday at work my knee started to hurt. That night I went shopping with some ladies from church, my knee began to swell. Thursday morning I woke up and could no longer walk and I was in so much pain I couldn't move. At 5:30am I called my mommy saying I was in so much pain. She told me to go to urgent care. Urgent care tells me that I tore my maniscus and need surgery. Naturally, I go home for my mommy to take care of me!
After I get to Tracy I go to the doctor and they order a MRI. So, I'm at my mom's thinking how am I going to sign my payroll. (AHAH I will fax it) My mom's fax is down so she's calls my dad. Now, mind you I am disowned and he wants nothing to do with me. When I arrived at his house I was nervous wondering what was going to happen. I should have known that the Lord had something in the works. He came down the stairs and actually had a conversation with me. And when it was time to leave he gave me a kiss and told me he loves me....GLORY BE TO GOD!! I was amazed but this was so small for the Lord. Monday night after dropping my little brother off my step mom and dad invite me for DINNER. I had such a great time. It was amazing, I was making my dad laugh the way only his daughter can. I just see God putting everything into place for his salvation!!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I've Got To Shout It From The Roof Tops...IM IN LOVE
I met him last year in november, but i had been admiring him from affar for a while. I never thought i was good enough for him, until that night. It was amazing he spoke to me and put a smile on my face that never left. From that moment on i knew he was in my life forever!!!! I never really talked about it because i knew people would say "its too soon, and you are way to young!" but now i don't care what people say, he is the one i want.
The past few months have been hard. I never thought i would make it through but he was there through it all. He was there to listen, to talk, and even confort me. Ladies, this is one man who knows how to listen. My life has changed since he has been there!! I cannot imagine myself without him there. We are a perfect match!!
So, i know you all are wondering who this dream guy is. I know my family is flipping out that i posted this without telling them... Well here it is his name is JESUS. He saved me and made me whole. He kepted me when i thought i was gone..He is the one for me!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
What Keeps You?
Monday, May 24, 2010
I Don't Wanna Grow Up..

Thursday, May 20, 2010
HiiiYAAH DEVIL...Chuck Norris To the Throat!!
But we have over come everything...Here are a few testamonies.
- B and Sissy just got an appartment for an amazing deal.
- Mom is only wearing skirt and NO MAKE UP
- Sean is Going to a Holiness church!!
- Papito is growing in the WORD!!
- I am Passing my classes and my case is closing Wednesday.
- We are all being used in the work of the Lord.
- Misha got the revelation of Holiness.
- God is doing Signs and Miracles.
- People are getting Saved.
- People are getting delivered.
- People are getting Healed.
So, just a general announcement. Devil I know you are reading this... You are probably shaking in your boots, probably dumbfounded about what you can do next or what trick you can throw at us... WELL YOU HAVE NOTHING THAT CAN STOP THE LORD!! Therefore, get your grimmy little paws off our loved ones and back up... Cause In Jesus Name you always LOSE!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Peace of Knowing That God is in Control...
Man, at points I wonder if I am going to make it. How can this all happen in the matter of four days? I guess I was kinda of having those WHY ME MOMENTS. But, to tell you the truth I am so blessed to be trusted to go through these trials.
(In your mind right now you are thinking, she was just complaining and going on about how everything is hitting her at once and now she is saying that she is blessed to be going through this...OKAY THIS CHICK IS CRAZY)
You are completely right my friend. I am absolutely positiving insane about...Jesus. You see i go through these test and trial because the Lord knows that I can endure. He knows that I do not put my trust in man but all of my trust is in Him. PRAISE THE NAME OF THE LORD. Honestly I know that the good Lord is in control of my whole entire life that He has a purpose of every test and trial and the outcome is always perfect. It may not be as i wish, or as i hoped but it is how He intended it to be. God is in control...He is the creator and ruler of all things!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Knight In Shining -BlueSweatShirt.
One Hour Passed and i was getting upset thinking of all the things i could be doing...EATING. I start to pray "Lord, Please. OKAY if not by two hows two thirty.." Moments later a man approaches he was hooded but i could see part of his face.
He approached the door and Knocked, I say "He isnt there, hes supposed to be here around 2" as he looks at his watch he says "how long have you been waiting?" i say "about an HOUR"
All the sudden he is silent and looks around goes into his wallet and pulls a SWORD..ok may not a SWORD but nontheless a credit card.
He starts trying to pick the lock. I at this point am ignoring him thinkin that his efforts are in vain, so i continue my game of solitare....THEN WALAAAH....The door swings open and his illegal efforts have paid off. I throw in a few sarcastic remarks and he says give me the book ill put it on her desk....With a smile i hand him the book and run home to eat!!!
Little did he know he was the answer to my prayers!!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
REALizing Your Place!

Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
To The World...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Why Today